Michael Archer is a wildfire consultant who holds degrees in Agriculture, Electronics, and Engineering Technology. A native Californian, he has worked in the defense industry as well as the commercial and law enforcement technology sectors as technician, engineer, and computer programmer.

In early 1993 he added writing to his resume with the completion of the first draft of "Firebombers Incorporated". The 'Firebombers Incorporated' series of novels gives readers an intriguing 'what-if' scenario on how 21st century technology could modernize the wildland firefighting force. "Firebombers Incorporated" was first published in 2001 and received good reviews from Wildland Firefighter Magazine, The Nashville News, and others. The sequel, "Firestorm", was published in 2005 and received excellent reviews from Writers Digest, The VVA Veteran Magazine, and firefighting professionals across the U.S.

He has written articles for 'Wildland Firefighter Magazine', 'Home and Fire Magazine', 'Defense Tech', and other publications, as well as a column for Military.com that provides information to military personnel about the benefits of a career in emergency services. He has lectured to public service groups, firefighters, and at fire academies. He has been interviewed by the Associated Press, quoted in the New York Times and USA Today, and has also appeared on KABC-TV and cable-TV discussing wildfire issues. He has addressed wildfire issues as part of a delegation testifying before the U.S. House of Representatives Domestic Policy Subcommittee and has testified to members of the California State Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Water.

Mike has also served as technical consultant and webmaster for Wildfire Research Network, a Los Angeles-based citizens' action group that promoted firefighting issues involving the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), as well as webmaster and technical consultant to the San Diego Regional Fire Safety Forum, a professional forum that was composed of both active-duty and retired fire chiefs, fire experts, and concerned citizens, where he served on committees investigating aerial assets, technology, and public relations.

From the founding of his publishing company, Firebomber Publications, Mike's intention was to donate 50% of the net profits from sales of Firebombers Incorporated books and merchandise to organizations that support the families of injured and fallen firefighters. To date, donations have been made to the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation, Wildland Firefighter Foundation, Associated Air Tanker Pilots, burn clinics, firefighter associations, and, in some cases, directly to the families of firefighters.

With the launch of his Archer Copywriting business, Mike expanded into helping wildfire-related companies reach their target audience by creating marketing materials for that business sector, and by providing advertising space in his Wildfire News of the Day newsletter, which is read by thousands in the industry on six continents five days a week.

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